Monday, November 26, 2012

Ahhh! Made a mistake!

Ok, so don't laugh at me.  I told you in the beginning I am not a fashion expert, and the title even says this is a JOURNEY!  Here I am today:

After having my trusty photographer (brother) take like 6 pictures of me, I realized it wasn't the background, lighting or angle that was making this outfit look bad.... IT WAS THE OUTFIT!  I've wished for so long that I could pull off the leggings and tunic look.  Now I'm pretty sure I will just retire that idea.  Maybe I need more accessories?  Maybe just no hat?  Maybe just no boobs?  I got it - no FAT!  I've always had this pouch on my thighs and boy do I hate it!

I do have an excuse though, after having the flu since last week, I'm not thinking straight!  Today was my first day back to work since being laid out after my glucose test last Friday - no call from Dr means I'm good right? - so I just kind of grabbed "comfy" from my closet and tried to make it look good.  Oh well.  This is what happens when I'm lazy!

Monday, November 19, 2012

The Ultimate Mama Accessory!

Hello all! So excited today because I remembered what I was going to tell you!  If you can't figure out what top is going to work for you - put on your ultimate accessory - YOUR BABY!  :)  Feeling casual today so I just put on my boyfriend jeans, an Old Navy nursing top and embellished tank.  Complete with my fav Nikes and I was ready to go!

This opens up another topic of discussion for me - my Moby wrap.  LOVE IT!  I had a Bjorn with my first daughter and I barely ever used it.  But the Moby?  I wear it all the time.  Really.  All the time.  It's so easy to just wrap it around and put baby in it.  I especially like that I got this gray one with the owl, a lot of people compliment me on it.  I was pretty confused on the wrap technique at first, but now I pretty much use the hug hold pictured, Olivia didn't like the newborn one for very long (she likes her legs free).  I've tried the front facing one, but she's still a little young and she winds up with her head down sucking on the fabric.  I'll probably get her in that one when she can hold her head up all the time.  Anyone else out there take advantage of their baby as a fashion accessory?

Monday, November 12, 2012

Monday Funday!

It's another Monday and back to work I go!  I went sans make-up today but I did do my hair!  I read an article yesterday that random funky braids are in, and you can't see it here, but on the right side I've got a braid that goes into a low bun.

Otherwise, I was pretty simplistic today.  Jeggings are still the reigning pant in my life (I keep trying on my old jeans but my hips just are not wanting to be contained!).  I paired them with this great nursing top from Motherhood Maternity.  I love this top because you can lift the top panel up and separate the fabric underneath so that my entire belly and/or entire boob doesn't show when I feed my baby.  Sadly I only have one of these tops because they are just too expensive to justify multiple colors - which is why I created this blog BTW.  I don't feel you should be pressured into believe you only need nursing tops to be able to feed baby in public.  Threw on my brown flats and ran out the door!

Happy baby today - isn't she just so cute?

Monday, November 5, 2012

Branching out....

I did it!  I branched out today!  Mind you, I usually shy away from the trends that involve rolling or cuffing jeans, anything that makes a capri out of them.  Mainly because I am petite and I've always been told it makes me look shorter.  However, I decided to buck that thought I try it out.  And I get compliments!  How much more affirmation do you need?

Tip of today - check the weather for tomorrow and set your clothes out that night.  I'm glad I did because it's been rainy and chilly, but today it's rainy and warm!

So today I decided on my jeggings, cuffed with nude pumps.  I layered my camis since I'm still stuck with the black bra, and completed the look with another NY&Co necklace that I felt brought out the nude accents in the rest of the outfit.  What do you think?  Not bad huh?

I apologize for the very unhappy baby.  We tried to get a smile but she wasn't having it.