Wednesday, September 26, 2012

To Breastfeed or Not to Breastfeed?

What a question!  I bet if this is a current debate for you, you haven't even considered your wardrobe.  Well, I'm here to tell you to start preparing now - because I'm 5 weeks postpartum today and I find my closet lacking!

First of all, I am not a style maven.  I love fashion and have started to read some style-yourself type blogs, but I am not a very creative person.  I'm a jeans and t-shirt kind of girl and always have been.  Maybe it's because I spent my teen years riding horses in faded jeans, riding dirtbikes in dirty boots and gear or at the beach in a swimsuit; not much time for developing style there.  Then there's my body type.  Although as a young woman I still felt like I had the biggest boobs and hips you could fit on a petite frame, I appreciate the figure I had then as a 27 year old mother of two now.  Either way, the pairing of patterned pants with a certain top, belt, hat, shoes and hairstyle still elude me.  Don't even ask me about makeup!

However, having spent the first 2 years post baby #1 trying to get my body back, only to decide to try for baby #2 once I did, made me realize that a change is due.  Not only do I need to get back in shape, but I want to feel pretty in the clothes I wear, something I've never really felt in an everyday outfit.

I looked around online for some help, and found some great blogs and tips.  But not a single one was of a petite, nursing mom.  There are lots of unique challenges for the nursing mother that have not been addressed, and I intend to find a solution to every one. This blog will be a tell all of my journey into a more fashionable future.  I'll take you through the ups and downs, successes and failures of my nursing mama fashion efforts.

So here goes......