Friday, October 19, 2012

I have a secret......

Whoa what a day!  Busy busy.  I was running late this morning, so I barely got to take advantage of my "alone" time in front of the mirror to practice putting on my make-up.  I agonized over what to wear, despite picking it out the night before.  I second-guessed my choice until the last possible second when - I decided to wear what I picked out!

However - I was a bad blogger and did not take a picture.  So!  Let me clue you in to some nursing mama truths I have recently become reacquainted with:

A. You can nurse in pretty much anything, just remember that if you aren't able to access from the top, you will have to lift up.  Despite the great nursing covers they have out there, you will have a nice triangle of back (fat) showing to the world.  Stay tuned for my new invention - a nursing CAPE!  :)

B.  The grip of a 6 week old baby is STRONG.  See my baby's grip over to the right.  It can rip, grip and take apart.  Be wary of the flailing hands that grab onto necklaces, earrings, hair, etc.  That would be why I insisted previously on non-danglely earrings and am now informing you of this wonderful thing I just found out.  Lean in....closer....CLOSER......  At New York & Co, they will exchange broken jewelry!!  So they have great stuff AND it doesn't matter if that little sweet baby of yours rips it apart - you can take it back!

C.  When jeggings were invented I hated them.  Now that only my pre-pregnancy boyfriend jeans fit, and not a single other pair of jeans does....jeggings are my new best friend.  Buy yourself a pair.  A well-fitting pair, it may be a size up from what you were before, but do it.  Just one pair - bring yourself out of the sweatpants.... embrace the jegging.

And I'll leave you with that... embrace the jegging..... embrace the jegging.....  Have you got a pair yet?  Talk to you soon!

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