Thursday, May 31, 2012

I'm blaming work for this one.....

I was diagnosed with gestational diabetes last Thursday. Guess the glucose test brought out a weakness. But, I realized that I've found another challenge of being a working mom. Balance! I know we all try to balance everything, but how often do you get the time to make sure YOU'RE eating healthy? I've always made sure my daughter gets what nutrition she needs, and I really just try to get my husband to add a little variety (although I am very proud of how far he's come in 6 years, he still has a ways to go). But me? I try and try with diets and workouts and it never works. Something always comes up. I'm always too busy, never have time. With this pregnancy I thought I was doing much better food wise, but after truthfully admitting how often I grab a bag of chips, eat cake, cookies, etc, I can see its improved but isn't that great. And I've decided to blame it on work! :). Obviously we all know that working in an office environment can be detrimental to your health. You're supposed to get up, stretch, eat healthy snacks, drink lots of water, yada yada yada. I let myself get sucked into my work so much that I skip breaks, take lunch in front of my computer, and often forget to drink the amount of water I should. BUT! I've realized that I have been overlooking what could be just what I need! At work, although I am busy, during my breaks, I have little interruptions. My 1/2 hour lunch is a perfect amount of time for a short walk or a quick round of prenatal strength training in an empty office. No toddler whining at my feet, no dinner to make, no house to clean. Could I ask for a better environment to get in the exercise I need? And diet-wise? Well, I'm still at a disadvantage there. All the guys I work with are junk food snackers. So there's a kitchen filled with chips, cookies, sodas and candy. Not so good for the diabetes. BUT THERE'S ANOTHER BUT! With all these junk food snackers, I can open a bag of chips or cookies, eat a very small amount to satisfy a craving - and then GIVE IT TO THEM! How awesome is that? Eat what I can have and the opened package isn't sitting on my desk staring at me or making me cringe when I throw away the rest! Win-win! Of course, I also need to be more proactive at home, setting aside the time I need to prepare healthy snacks and meals to bring with me to work. Speaking of which.....I should probably get going. Need to boil some eggs!

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